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Home | Why Your Distribution Software Should be in the Cloud

The markets are changing, and these changes require instant access to accurate, up-to-date data to power new types of procurement, inventory management, asset tracking and accounting processes.

Business have a choice here. They can continue using their legacy processes and inform them with new processes that meet the enhanced expectations of their clients around reporting and tracking guidelines and basic interactions. These companies will continue to store their data in local stacks and off-site servers.

The alternative choice is bidding farewell to off-site data storage and integrate a cloud-based distribution software solution, and to work with the right consultant to help them choose the right solution to meet their unique business challenges.

The way companies view their processes around procurement, inventory management and supply chain control have also changed. Our new business environment requires all of these processes to be completely transparent.
Take a look at your company’s legacy distribution management solutions. Chances are, if you’re not yet on the Cloud, the software that you’re using is slow, cumbersome and incommunicative. It must serve its purpose, or you wouldn’t be using it — in all likelihood, these legacy tools are effective in terms of data collection and basic analytics, but when paired with more up-to-date solutions, a fragmented system arises that impedes effective communication and timely access to data.

When you move your entire distribution system to the cloud, you no longer have to worry about local servers and software. Once you’ve settled on a provider with a reputation of expertise and reliability, you’ll be able to use these systems to expand your distribution while increasing your data-analysis capabilities.

There are three main benefits to moving your distribution processes to the cloud:
1. With the massive increase in digitization of our everyday lives, B2B clients are accessing B2C tech flows every day, and they are now expecting the processes they use in business to be as simple and user-friendly as the tools they’re using in their everyday online activities. This is possible with cloud-based systems, but not with the legacy systems many businesses are still using. Cloud-based systems are designed to adhere to customer demands while delivering comprehensive data access and analysis ability.

2. Cloud-based systems streamline your inventory management abilities, giving you insight into exactly what is going on with your company’s stock and inventory, giving you the ability to send out overstock or order in supplies to face current shortages. This information is available to business owners in real-time.

If you’re ready to discuss making the shift to a cloud-based distribution system but don’t know where to start, we can help. Reach out today to speak with an expert.

Home | The ABC’s of open-source ERPs

The ABCs of open-source ERPs

Let’s face it: implementing a new enterprise resource planning (ERP) system can be a costly endeavour, especially if you’re paying for custom-built services. However, this monetary load can be lessened via the use of open-source ERP software—without having to sacrifice quality or customizability.

What is an open-source ERP?

Simply put, an open-source ERP is an ERP software system whose source code is readily available to the public. This code can then be freely tailored by your internal IT department or by an outside consultant, without you having to pay extra for licensing or vendor customization services. Generally, open-source ERPs are web-based applications, and be installed onto your server or hosted remotely.

Who should use an open-source ERP?

Open-source ERPs are practical for businesses of all shapes and sizes, with some providers catering to the needs of small-to-medium-sized companies (such as ADempiere, Dolibarr, and ERPNext), and others servicing larger corporations (including Apache OFBiz and Opentaps).

Due to their highly adaptable nature, these ERPs are wonderful for a variety of reasons. If your business’s needs are simple, they allow you to access the basic tools needed for your operations at a minimal cost. Alternatively, if you require a highly personalized ERP system, open-source models are a less expensive—and highly effective—alternative to costly closed-source software options.

What should I look for in an open-source ERP?

When choosing an open-source ERP, pick a system with proper documentation and support. Whether the application offers paid assistance or has an active user base, this will help to ensure that you’re receiving a high-quality option.

Above all, your open-source ERP of choice has to meet your specific needs—and continue to support these needs as they change. As such, it may be beneficial to find a system with additional modules, add-ons, and support plugins for later use.

What are the benefits of these systems?

A major benefit of the open-source ERP model is its cost-effectiveness. Typically, no licensing or maintenance fees are required for these systems, and external consultant fees are generally lower. Additionally, when you implement an open-source ERP, you own the entire system and its full-source content—without any vendor lock-in. This gives you the freedom to install the system however you wish, whether that’s on your own or with a service provider. Finally, open-source ERPs are easier to upgrade than commercial systems. This means that updates can be performed more frequently, keeping your ERP from becoming antiquated or obsolete.

If you’d like to learn more about open-source ERP programs or you require assistance in customizing one, feel free to contact us. Our experts will help you to find the solutions your business needs—with nothing but ease.

Home | Benefits of Cloud ERP System for a Small Business

With technological advancements making our lives easier day by day it is highly doubtful that any field of life has been left unaffected. We have increased the efficiency of doing things in every field of life including business. Things like data collection and analysis that previously used to take hours or even days can now be done within seconds by just one click of a button. Many small business owners have stopped the old practices of bookkeeping and handling accounts manually and have shifted to ERP systems instead. These Enterprise Resource Planning systems are a life saver for owners of small businesses because they are quick and effective and increase the overall efficiency of the whole business. ERP systems are now greatly developed and come with a multitude of features and most of the small and medium scale businesses are of the view that cloud-based ERP systems are extremely beneficial for them. There are multiple benefits of a cloud ERP system for small business, some of which are discussed below.


Data theft is one of the biggest challenges to small businesses and there is a long debate on whether on-premise ERP systems have better security features or could ERP but most of the business owners think that cloud ERP systems have proven to be more safe and secure. As all the information is stored on a cloud they are required to have stricter security checks which in turn makes data more secure. Another advantage of cloud ERP system is that by using it you can restrict the flow of data to some people in your company. Everyone cannot access all the data that is uploaded on the server. This feature makes it all the more secure because the risk of data theft from within the organization is greatly reduced.


One of the major concerns of small business owners is that introducing a new technology in the business can interrupt the normal functioning of the business for some time. While this might be true for only a little while it has been proven by various success stories that incorporation of cloud ERP systems has resulted in a significant increase in productivity of any business. With an effective ERP system in place, everything becomes streamlined, no time is wasted on useless tasks, employees have access to all the files that they need and they don’t have to get from one department to another searching for files. This not only saves time but also increases productivity.

Cheaper than In-House IT department:

For small businesses implementing and maintaining an in-house IT department is not only not required it can be very expensive too. When you think about the cost of all the hardware, software, IT experts, office space, electricity bill etc. the whole picture becomes very clear that for small businesses cloud ERP system is the best choice. The monthly fee of a cloud ERP system is a very good cost-effective solution for small business owners to get all the benefits of a fully equipped IT department at a fraction of the cost.

If you are interested in learning about ERP system to help you grow your small business, we would love to speak with you. With the right, trusted technology partner by your side, we can improve your production, productivity and profitability. Call ERP Advisers today!

Home | If you are too busy to install ERP software for your venue, than it’s really a sign that you NEED one!

We hear this line all the time from prospects and business owners of venues: “Your technology/ ERP software would really help us but we are too busy at the moment to implement anything like this”. It’s true that the seasonality of events is giving way to a year-long cycle where event and wedding venues are busier and busier.

This makes having an all-in-one platform for events & weddings even more important to the overall success of your venue.

The reality is, if you are too busy to invest in ERP software that will significantly lighten your workload, improve your operations and bottom line, then you especially need to make the investment. The problem is that misconceptions exist about just how disruptive such an implementation is to venues.

Here are 3 big misconceptions about implementing ERP system in a hospitality business:

  1. Implementation is too time-consuming

This isn’t a sales technique, an empty promise meant to trick you into adding another item to the to-do list. If you are struggling to manage your email inbox, the contracts take weeks to send out, and the venue tours and show-arounds are frequently time-wasting no-shows – think how much time you could save with an effective technology system in place.

The truth is that implementation is not time-consuming. We start out with an implementation road-map for your venue, having discussed your current process and structure. We also want to know you can manage inquiries and bookings well. Then we set-up your account as discussed and input your data, from ongoing inquiries to your database of contacts. Finally, we hold a training session. After that we work closely with you to add in training and guidance on other features your venue will benefit from.

If I told you that in exchange for 2 to 3-hours of your time, I could save you 20 plus-hours over the next few weeks, chances are you wouldn’t believe me but I would love to show you how!

  1. I’d love this, but my team (in some cases the owner) is not as tech-savvy

People don’t give themselves or their team-members enough credit. Opinions of software are based upon older generation products in the hospitality sector and can be really easy to leverage.

If you can navigate a smartphone, you’ll be able to navigate an internal technology system.

  1. My events program has been growing, without a platform

Amazing! This is a testament to your hard-work and the sweat and tears you’ve put in. But even if you feel your wedding and events program has maxed out and you couldn’t possibly do any more of either (or you simply don’t want to), you have to consider the other benefits of a centralized system.

For example, a lot of busy event venues we work with experienced issues with staff retention. The stress of overflowing inboxes, the occasional difficult bride and groom, and the constant flow of paperwork, is a significant contributor to burnout.

Having a centralized, all-in-one, cloud-based platform is a huge relief to all of the above. Richard Branson is fond of saying “If you look after your staff, they’ll look after your customers. It’s that simple.” We couldn’t agree more with him. A lot of that starts with giving them the tools they need. Take the next steps in investing the in the growth of your business. ERP Advisers would love to be your trusted partner.

Home | The Many Benefits of ERP Software

Implementing ERP software can improve productivity, increase efficiencies, decrease costs and streamline processes.

Here are just a few benefits:

Efficiency. An ERP solution eliminates repetitive processes and greatly reduces the need to manually enter information.

Scalability. ERP systems allow the addition of new users and functions to grow.

Integrated Information. No more issues with data spread across separate databases; all information will be housed in a single location.

Cost Savings. ERP software reduces administrative and operations costs. .

Reporting. ERP software helps make reporting easier and more customizable.

Productivity. Save time and increase productivity levels.

Flexibility. Modern ERP software systems are robust, flexible, and configurable. They are not a one-size-fits-all and can be tailored to the unique needs of a business.

Are you convinced yet? Give ERP Advisers a call to discuss technology options to help you grow.

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