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Home | Getting the Executive Buy-in Needed for a Successful ERP Implementation

We’ve heard from many professionals who have taken the time to research, select and purchase and ERP systems that they feel will help them monitor and grow their business, only to hit significant roadblocks when the time comes to implement the system.


Implementing an ERP system can be complicated, and to make it a smooth transition, it’s important to have the buy-in of the company’s executive team. Because ERP implementation will require changes to the business’ operations and processes, the use of human power is necessary to get these changes off the ground, and this can be time consuming and resource intensive. Having a champion at the executive table that is committed to prioritizing the success of the new ERP program is paramount to ensuring that the implementation team receives the resources required to implement the new systems.


Attaining this leadership support should be easy, but often it’s not. After all, the leadership team approved the financial investment required to purchase the software but making sure that your executives are constantly reminded of the importance of a modern cloud-based ERP solution is key. Throughout the implementation process, keep your executives up to date on which element of the system is being worked on, and how the various stakeholders from every department across the company is being trained to use the systems to improve efficiency. Clearly communicating how each step will contribute to company success will remind the company decision-makers of the importance of this implementation and help reduce hesitation to allocate the resources needed to complete the process.


Another important thing to keep your leadership team up to date on is the ROI you can and will receive from a proper ERP implementation. Every company leader will be on board with common ERP benefits like the reduction in operating expenses, faster response times, more satisfied customers, better access to higher-quality data which helps inform decision making and maximizing employee efficiency through the creation of more detailed workflows. Remind them of these benefits regularly and keep them apprised of where things stand in term of implementation and realizing these benefits, and maintain the leadership buy-in needed for a smooth, successful ERP implementation across your company.


Home | Best Practices for Effective ERP Implementation

Planning an ERP and implementing the project is a challenging venture for any company. Here are some best practices that will help you implement smoothly and effectively.

Get buy-in from the top

ERP selection and implementation requires research, purchasing, customization and implementation, and each of these steps takes time and resources. You’ll need support from the senior executives at your company, which can be challenging as you’ll have to justify the financial and human resources required. Ensuring your senior management understands the importance of this technology, and the extent of which a proper ERP can help your business grow.

Choosing the right solution

Choosing the right ERP solution is critical. Many vendors will try and oversell you on their product, and get you excited about features it offers, even if these are features that you’ll never use. ERP customization is key to a successful implementation, so choosing an ERP consultant that knows the product options, has learned your business and has a good understanding of which modules your company needs (and which is doesn’t), will be critical to helping you find the right solution for your company, without overpaying for modules and features you won’t use. Select your consultant carefully. Look for one with experience in your industry, and be sure to invest the time into building their knowledge of your business and every element of its operations.

Build the right team

Even after you’ve selected your consultant, a successful implementation requires a group of dedicated problem-solvers whose full-time job is this project. Find the brightest minds in your organization and assign them to this task. Because this will require back-filling their current positions, this is challenging to do, especially if you don’t have full buy-in from your senior executives.

Assign a strong leader

The best ERP implementations are led by diligent, curious, inspirational leaders who prioritize research and experimentation and do whatever it takes to stick to deadlines. This person should have both leadership and project management skills.

Scope creep

Every project manager at every company in every industry has battled scope creep. At some point, a stakeholder will push to broaden the scope of the project which typically diverts the project from its original purpose and causes deadlines to be moved and missed. The strong leader you’ve assigned should be empowered to push back and let stakeholders know that their requests can be tackled after the initial project is complete.

Invest in training

It’s important that your team is properly trained on the ERP system before you launch. About 30% of the resources dedicated to this project should be used for training and support.


Implementing ERP isn’t easy, but it’s certainly worthwhile. Things will go wrong at some point, but if you’ve implemented properly and trained thoroughly, you’ll prepared.

Home | These 3 “gotcha” moments could ruin your ERP implementation

The “gotcha” moment. We’ve all experienced it before: you’re working on a project and everything’s going smoothly—until some seemingly benign error renders your work redundant.

Lucky for you, we know how to avoid dreaded “gotcha” moments during Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementations. Here’s a look into three key issues that may arise, and essential ways to steer clear of them.
“Gotcha” #1: Mismanaged Team Members

In order for your project to flow smoothly, your staff must be properly equipped to manage each step of the process.

Key problems:
• Placing too much pressure on IT staff. Because ERP projects often involve upgrades to computing infrastructure, IT Managers are assigned as their sponsors. However, undertakings of this sort require managers with more organizational influence.
• Relying too heavily on outside consultants. While our expertise is beneficial, weak inclusion of inside staff can result in a lack of much-needed organizational knowledge.

Key Solutions:
• Assign a full-time Senior VP (or other business expert) to each ERP implementation. During this time, their other positions should be back-filled to reduce stress.
• Find the right set of outside consultants for your needs. At ERP Advisers, we’ll work in tandem with your employees, ensuring they have the tools needed for long-term success.

“Gotcha” #2: Poor Project Planning

When it comes to ERP implementations, improper planning can take an incredible financial toll on your business.

Key Problems:
• Underestimating the complexity and speed of ERP implementations. By miscalculating the time and effort required to complete these projects, schedules may become stretched out—and deadlines missed. This can result in exceeded budgets, missed deliverables, and an overall loss of organizational interest.

Key Solutions:
• Contain the scope of your project. Review your plans with highly-experienced outside consultants, like ERP Advisers, to ensure that they are realistic and achievable.
• Follow a long-term multiple-release strategy. By implementing ERP modules in palatable portions, your team can stay abreast of all changes.

“Gotcha” #3: Ignoring the Aftermath

ERP implementation causes a variety of changes to occur within any business. As a result, it is integral that your staff are prepared to manage any and all adjustments to your business processes.

Key Problem:
• Overlooking change management efforts. ERP implementation may eliminate, automate, or integrate certain processes, all of which must be planned for.

Key Solution:
• Foresee necessary changes. As we’ve stated, planning is incredibly important. By recognizing the potential for significant changes, you can ensure that your team has the resources needed to carry them out.

With our individualized approach to all ERP implementation, we’ll keep these “gotcha” moments from getting you down. Click here (https://erpadvisers.com/erp-project-management/) to learn more about our services.

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