Home | Getting the Executive Buy-in Needed for a Successful ERP Implementation
We’ve heard from many professionals who have taken the time to research, select and purchase and ERP systems that they feel will help them monitor and grow their business, only to hit significant roadblocks when the time comes to implement the system.
Implementing an ERP system can be complicated, and to make it a smooth transition, it’s important to have the buy-in of the company’s executive team. Because ERP implementation will require changes to the business’ operations and processes, the use of human power is necessary to get these changes off the ground, and this can be time consuming and resource intensive. Having a champion at the executive table that is committed to prioritizing the success of the new ERP program is paramount to ensuring that the implementation team receives the resources required to implement the new systems.
Attaining this leadership support should be easy, but often it’s not. After all, the leadership team approved the financial investment required to purchase the software but making sure that your executives are constantly reminded of the importance of a modern cloud-based ERP solution is key. Throughout the implementation process, keep your executives up to date on which element of the system is being worked on, and how the various stakeholders from every department across the company is being trained to use the systems to improve efficiency. Clearly communicating how each step will contribute to company success will remind the company decision-makers of the importance of this implementation and help reduce hesitation to allocate the resources needed to complete the process.
Another important thing to keep your leadership team up to date on is the ROI you can and will receive from a proper ERP implementation. Every company leader will be on board with common ERP benefits like the reduction in operating expenses, faster response times, more satisfied customers, better access to higher-quality data which helps inform decision making and maximizing employee efficiency through the creation of more detailed workflows. Remind them of these benefits regularly and keep them apprised of where things stand in term of implementation and realizing these benefits, and maintain the leadership buy-in needed for a smooth, successful ERP implementation across your company.