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Home | Getting the Executive Buy-in Needed for a Successful ERP Implementation

We’ve heard from many professionals who have taken the time to research, select and purchase and ERP systems that they feel will help them monitor and grow their business, only to hit significant roadblocks when the time comes to implement the system.


Implementing an ERP system can be complicated, and to make it a smooth transition, it’s important to have the buy-in of the company’s executive team. Because ERP implementation will require changes to the business’ operations and processes, the use of human power is necessary to get these changes off the ground, and this can be time consuming and resource intensive. Having a champion at the executive table that is committed to prioritizing the success of the new ERP program is paramount to ensuring that the implementation team receives the resources required to implement the new systems.


Attaining this leadership support should be easy, but often it’s not. After all, the leadership team approved the financial investment required to purchase the software but making sure that your executives are constantly reminded of the importance of a modern cloud-based ERP solution is key. Throughout the implementation process, keep your executives up to date on which element of the system is being worked on, and how the various stakeholders from every department across the company is being trained to use the systems to improve efficiency. Clearly communicating how each step will contribute to company success will remind the company decision-makers of the importance of this implementation and help reduce hesitation to allocate the resources needed to complete the process.


Another important thing to keep your leadership team up to date on is the ROI you can and will receive from a proper ERP implementation. Every company leader will be on board with common ERP benefits like the reduction in operating expenses, faster response times, more satisfied customers, better access to higher-quality data which helps inform decision making and maximizing employee efficiency through the creation of more detailed workflows. Remind them of these benefits regularly and keep them apprised of where things stand in term of implementation and realizing these benefits, and maintain the leadership buy-in needed for a smooth, successful ERP implementation across your company.


Home | The Role of ERP in Higher Education

While it’s wonderful that colleges and universities are deeply rooted in tradition (think ivy-covered walls and centuries-old teachings), an attachment to the past simply isn’t efficient when it comes to running a business. And, according to a collaborative report from Education Dive and Unit4, nearly 50% of academic institutions are using out-dated systems to execute their administrative operations.

Current state of the industry

The Education Dive report surveyed back-office staff (in the IT, HR, and Student Services departments) from higher education centres to determine which systems are now in use. Around half of these employees noted that their institutions:

• Use multiple systems, rather than one time-saving model;
• Are unable to fix inefficiencies or streamline their operations with their current programs;
• And have systems that do not provide the necessary strategic data for decision-making processes.

Why is this a problem?

In today’s fast-paced, ever-changing climate, it’s essential for businesses to use technology that is highly adaptive and flexible. By using out-of-date, ineffective systems, not only are institutions preventing themselves from meeting new industry demands—they’re slowing themselves down. With low informational transfer, reduced data collection, and the creation of bottlenecks, these antiquated solutions create silos between departments, setting the stage for unsatisfactory organizational visibility as a whole.

In turn, this can frustrate staff, create obstacles for student success, reduce staff retention, prevent innovation, and lead to poor student experiences. Together, these issues can spell total disaster for any higher education establishment.

What’s the solution?

Luckily, these problems can be prevented using modern Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. By automating certain business processes, aligning ERP systems with their true needs, and focusing on efficient data management, institutions will bring their operations out of the past—and into the present.

By implementing the proper platform for their unique requirements, higher education providers can:

• Improve decision-making processes;
• Enhance departmental productivity;
• Increase employee efficiency and reduce attrition;
• Provide better student support services;
• And meet future student needs with greater flexibility.

If your institution’s operations are struggling to stay ahead of—or even with—the curve, a customized, intuitive ERP system is absolutely the way to go. ERP Advisers is here to help: to learn more about our services or to get started, visit our ERP Project Management page.

Home | Is an antiquated ERP bogging down your business?

As it turns out, the oldies aren’t always golden—especially when it comes to antiquated enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. Whether your business is still using a legacy ERP or is simply behind on updates, out-dated operating systems could be holding you back from success.

How do I know if my ERP system is out-dated?

If your ERP system has gone years without an upgrade, you’re likely well behind the times. However, you’re not alone: a study from Forrester revealed that about half of ERP customers are using software that is two to three releases (or about four years) behind the latest version. Unfortunately, this lack of enhancement is putting you squarely behind 50% of your competition—an immense disadvantage.

Alternatively, your business could be running on a highly-customized, obsolete legacy ERP. Created in the eighties and nineties, these systems were generally built on older technologies (including Progress Software, Sage MAS, Microsoft Dynamics GP, DOS, and IBM AS/400), and were tailored to a business’s specific needs. While they were once highly effective, their need for the continued writing of application code made them non-transferrable to modern technologies, leading to their eventual retirement.

Why should I upgrade my old ERP software?

Today’s business landscape is incredibly fluid. Because of this, relying on an old, unadaptable ERP system could be a fatal mistake for your company.

Here’s why you should ditch your old-school ERP software:

1. They are resistant to change

Older ERP solutions (especially those which have been customized) can be inflexible, creating “version locking.” With this, making any updates to the system becomes very difficult.  Whether your internal operations have changed or industry regulations are amended, your antiquated ERP will remain unable to adapt to your needs, leaving you in the dust.

2. They could impede your overall growth

What’s more, an out-dated ERP can obstruct your expansion at the global level. This is especially true for businesses with on-site software: these systems can be difficult—and incredibly expensive—to replicate and mobilize across different countries.

3. They could cause major internal discord

Finally, customized legacy ERPs could cause unwanted siloes across your corporation. Certain departments (which may not have existed at the time of the software’s creation) could be overlooked by your legacy system, causing them to turn to stand-alone, disconnected applications. This can cause breaks in the inter-organizational flow of data, leading to a serious decrease in efficiency.

So, what’s the solution?

As the old adage goes, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. If your ERP system has lost its bite, it’s time for you to upgrade to a modern, easily adaptable alternative. While this may sound like a frightening, costly endeavor, ERP Advisers is here to help: with our decades of industry experience, we’re well-equipped to provide you with the best fit for your business.

Home | Benefits of Cloud ERP System for a Small Business

With technological advancements making our lives easier day by day it is highly doubtful that any field of life has been left unaffected. We have increased the efficiency of doing things in every field of life including business. Things like data collection and analysis that previously used to take hours or even days can now be done within seconds by just one click of a button. Many small business owners have stopped the old practices of bookkeeping and handling accounts manually and have shifted to ERP systems instead. These Enterprise Resource Planning systems are a life saver for owners of small businesses because they are quick and effective and increase the overall efficiency of the whole business. ERP systems are now greatly developed and come with a multitude of features and most of the small and medium scale businesses are of the view that cloud-based ERP systems are extremely beneficial for them. There are multiple benefits of a cloud ERP system for small business, some of which are discussed below.


Data theft is one of the biggest challenges to small businesses and there is a long debate on whether on-premise ERP systems have better security features or could ERP but most of the business owners think that cloud ERP systems have proven to be more safe and secure. As all the information is stored on a cloud they are required to have stricter security checks which in turn makes data more secure. Another advantage of cloud ERP system is that by using it you can restrict the flow of data to some people in your company. Everyone cannot access all the data that is uploaded on the server. This feature makes it all the more secure because the risk of data theft from within the organization is greatly reduced.


One of the major concerns of small business owners is that introducing a new technology in the business can interrupt the normal functioning of the business for some time. While this might be true for only a little while it has been proven by various success stories that incorporation of cloud ERP systems has resulted in a significant increase in productivity of any business. With an effective ERP system in place, everything becomes streamlined, no time is wasted on useless tasks, employees have access to all the files that they need and they don’t have to get from one department to another searching for files. This not only saves time but also increases productivity.

Cheaper than In-House IT department:

For small businesses implementing and maintaining an in-house IT department is not only not required it can be very expensive too. When you think about the cost of all the hardware, software, IT experts, office space, electricity bill etc. the whole picture becomes very clear that for small businesses cloud ERP system is the best choice. The monthly fee of a cloud ERP system is a very good cost-effective solution for small business owners to get all the benefits of a fully equipped IT department at a fraction of the cost.

If you are interested in learning about ERP system to help you grow your small business, we would love to speak with you. With the right, trusted technology partner by your side, we can improve your production, productivity and profitability. Call ERP Advisers today!

Home | Strategies to helping clients select the right ERP System for the growth of their organization

The secret to providing value and advising the client on the winning ERP system is simple if you follow the strategies below:

1 – Do your research

Industry and competitive research should be completed to have a full understanding of how the organization works and can do better. Comprehensive site check, facility tour, interviews with the key parties are extremely important in order to identify company’s challenges and operational flow.

2 – Be prepared and adopt an advisor mindset

Customers and prospect have greater knowledge than ever. Ask questions and suggest items that provide value. Trust is a key to making a large purchasing decision. Today’s ERP experts need to be prepared to interact with highly informed individual and offer personalized advice to enhance what they already know.

3 – Listen

Successful ERP advisors are genuinely helpful. Listen closely to what your customer is saying and respond with solutions that meet those needs. You will lose credibility if you don’t show understanding of customer’s unique needs and challenges.

When it comes to selecting the right ERP consultant, businesses have a lot of choices. Following these simple strategies will help you build trust and offer the best value to your client.

Home | The Many Benefits of ERP Software

Implementing ERP software can improve productivity, increase efficiencies, decrease costs and streamline processes.

Here are just a few benefits:

Efficiency. An ERP solution eliminates repetitive processes and greatly reduces the need to manually enter information.

Scalability. ERP systems allow the addition of new users and functions to grow.

Integrated Information. No more issues with data spread across separate databases; all information will be housed in a single location.

Cost Savings. ERP software reduces administrative and operations costs. .

Reporting. ERP software helps make reporting easier and more customizable.

Productivity. Save time and increase productivity levels.

Flexibility. Modern ERP software systems are robust, flexible, and configurable. They are not a one-size-fits-all and can be tailored to the unique needs of a business.

Are you convinced yet? Give ERP Advisers a call to discuss technology options to help you grow.

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