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Home | Choosing Your ERP Software Partners

The right enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is important to the continuity of your business, but choosing who to work with to help select, customize and implement this software is critical to its success.

What is ERP?
Enterprise Resource Planning is the integrated management of a business’ main processes, and ERP software is a way to execute and monitor this integration. ERP software facilitates the exchange of information throughout a company, helping to speed up business processes, cut costs, increase sales, improve quality, create positive customer experiences and measure successes and failures.

Purchase partners
ERP software comes in modules that perform a specific function – examples include accounts payable, accounts receivable, general ledger, payroll, purchase orders etc. ERP suites require customization to be a good fit for a specific business.
To select their software, companies may choose to work directly with a software vendor. However, due to the wide range of options and customization needs of each business, it is recommended to work with a partner who can weigh the pros and cons of many different software suites and help each business decide which solution is right for them, especially when it comes time to customize and implement. This would be either a value-added software reseller, or an ERP consultant.

Value-Added Resellers (VARs)
VARs are recruited and trained by the software vendors to sell products on their behalf. VARs invest in their own technical staff, training facilities, workspace and software purchases and they usually share a percentage of sales with the software vendor.
ERP purchasers should remember that that while VARs also perform consulting functions, their advice may be impacted by their relationships with certain suppliers.

Consultants with financial, accounting and software expertise often provide a different perspective and approach than a VAR. Consultants are typically selected based on comprehensive experience in specific industries, intensive knowledge about particular ERP software modules, or both. Selecting an industry expert that is able to compare the situations of similar companies they have worked with before can be valuable in helping them choose which suite will work best for a specific business.

Working with an ERP consultant provides a business with invaluable experience and expertise. Reach out to ERP Advisers today to discuss how we can help find the right solution for your business at this critical time.

Home | Meeting Your Match: The importance of finding an IT Systems Consultant

You wouldn’t build a house without consulting an architect—so why would you lay the foundations for your business’ computing structure without expert advice?

In our technologically-driven world, it is essential that your company’s IT operations are running at peak capacity; otherwise, you’ll be rendered obsolete. This is where an IT Systems Consultant comes in: with their industry experience, they can ensure that your data storage, network function, and computer-based client services are functioning optimally.

Why hire an IT Consultant?

As mentioned, IT Consultants can provide the specialized knowledge you need to enhance your technological capabilities—and improve your overall functionality.

When you hire an IT Consultant, they’ll:
• Teach you how to best achieve your business objectives via your IT systems. This can boost your efficiency, performance, and bottom line;
• Provide exclusive, objective expertise backed by years of industry experience;
• And eliminate the need to hire a permanent employee—their services can be used temporarily, allowing you to save money in the long run.

What can an IT Consultant do for my business?

Through their work, IT consultants can augment your business’ offerings in a number of arenas.

IT Consultants can:
• Improve your productivity. By upgrading your IT systems, they can enhance your ability to effectively service your clients, securely manage your data, and remain agile in an increasingly fluid environment;
• Enable the full potential of your current IT infrastructure by identifying areas for improvement, critical function, and value;
• Help your business scale its IT infrastructure throughout growth, implement cutting-edge tech as it is released, and plan the long-term IT strategy of your business;
• And provide a sound IT governance framework for security and compliance.

At ERP Advisers, we are fully equipped to help you derive the highest value from your IT investments. With 30 years of expertise in this sector, we can assist you with the deployment and administration of new apps and platforms, optimize your current landscape, and ensure your IT infrastructure meets your unique needs.

What are you waiting for? Click here to get started.

Home | How to improve your business operations and bottom line

All small and large scale business owners are constantly presented with various opportunities to improve their business processes, get more customers, become more visible, and increase productivity. Improving your business processes also helps you save a lot of money and run your business more effectively.

Here are 6 ways to improve business operations and bottom line:

  • Plan your day: Before stepping to your business premises on a daily basis, it is imperative to create a time when you could jot down your plans for the day and review what your activities will look like. Write down your marketing strategies, product lines, new projects that you intend to embark on, details on how to expand your business, names of your competitors are and strategize on how to stay ahead.
  • Review your business plan: It is also vital to review your business plan monthly. So many business owners tend to forget about their business plans a few months after establishing their firm, some even digress towards other areas. That is why it is essential to find your business plan, review it, and get it updated. Look at the changes you must have introduced into your business since its inception and get them included in your business plan.
  • Make use of the latest technologies: At present, there are so many technologies that can help improve your internal systems and communications. Making use of various technologies in your firms helps to automate tasks, simplify processes, and make things easy for your employees.
  • Engage with your customers: What keeps businesses running are the customers, quality of products, and customer satisfaction. Therefore you must engage with your customers on a daily basis: get their phone numbers, emails, contact information from your database and send them messages reminding them that your business is ready to serve them better. Remember to ask them to leave feedback about your business.
  • Get your employees involved: Employees are an essential element in every business. You must make your employees part of your business; help them understand their role, review your relationship with them, and find new ways of getting them motivated to avoid any form of friction.
  • Review your business performance and pricing: It is also vital to set up new metrics that can be used in reviewing your business performance at least twice in a year. Take stock of all aspects of your business operation and write down the areas you will like to initiate some positive changes. In addition, try to know the prices of goods set by your competitors and ensure that yours isn’t too low or high; before increasing your prices, ensure that you get your customers informed ahead of time.

Finally, as a small or medium scale business owner improving your business operations and bottom line can help increase productivity, save you lots of money, get you more customers, make your business visible and keep your employees motivated. Using the steps listed above can help you stay ahead of your competitors while improving your business processes.

Home | What is Blockchain Technology?

Blockchain technology is an open-source, peer-to-peer, distributed software ledger based on cryptographic principles. Like an accounting ledger which records financial transactions, blockchain software is a digital ledger which records asset transactions whereby the ledger is simultaneously spread across multiple computers. Successive ledger entries are cryptographically linked to previous ledger entries in verified blocks, hence the name blockchain.

What to learn more? Give ERP Advisers a call at 905.332.5469 or send us an email at [email protected]

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