ERP Trends to watch in 2019

ERP Trends to watch in 2019

In 2019, there are new trends that will affect how the enterprise optimize operations, automate tasks, streamline processes and increase profit. For an enterprise that makes use of ERP software’s, there are new trends to watch out for in 2019. The software which is considered to be a core system has been forecasted to grow globally to $47B by 2022.
However, with the recent advancement in technology all over the globe, so many organizations may find it difficult to evolve and adapt to new trends in ERP in 2019. To ensure your ERP system remain relevant in 2019, here are some new trends to consider.

  • Disruption by new ERP startups: In the new year, it is expected that there will be stiff competition from new SAAS startup and a proliferation of new trends that will disrupt how enterprise gather data, simplify the task and automate processes. New startups have been founded with the aim of building solutions that are more appealing to users. Startups like Financial Force which was established in 2009, already have over 1300 ERP customers. Also, new technological solutions like data visualization, Artificial intelligence and big data will definitely alter how ERP systems are built and used.
  • ERP, SaaS, and Hybrid ERP: Many organizations are already upgrading from the traditional ERP system which stores apps in the company’s server and make the enterprise responsible for the cost of hardware maintenance, data backup and recovery to Saas based apps which are stored in the cloud, less expensive, and quicker to update. Also, with Hybrid ERP systems, ERP customers can now move some ERP functions to the cloud while having a secure and tight on-premises control over other features.
  • ERP and Digital Marketing: In the past, ERP was focused solely on operations than marketing. In 2019, there are indications that direct marketing and the use of social media will be incorporated into new ERP systems this is due to the massive user base of various social media channels. Already social media has simplified ways in which businesses operate; for instance, HR managers can recruit new candidates, and check for their background on social media.
  • ERP for the Subsidiary: Most organizations that have subsidiaries in different parts of the world can make use of ERP systems delivered through the cloud to manage the entire enterprise and deploy pieces that make sense at any particular location. This makes it easy for the enterprise to deploy SaaS-based tools incrementally through the cloud and helps businesses to monitor SaaS ERP performance.
  • The Internet of Things: With the Internet of Things, more devices are now connected to the Internet, and more data will also be channelled into the ERP systems in order to provide a better advantage to the enterprise. This data can give you a quick insight into your supply chain system, appliance performance, shipping partners and help in the decision making process.

Finally, the recent technological advancements all over the globe are clear indications that change has come to the ERP system. Therefore enterprises must brace up to embrace this change or be caught off guard in 2019